Saturday, August 16, 2008

Buckner President's Vision Trip Brochure

Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services

This is a pocket folder used to send information to young women in crisis pregnancy situations that contact Buckner and request information about Buckner Adoption and Maternity services.

Aim For Success "Freedom to Succeed" Booklet

Aim For Success is a non-profit, Christian-based organization that gives presentations to students, teachers and parents in schools, churches and other organizations to educate them about choices pertaining to premarital sex. The presentations are based on the idea that they can be successful in life if they make wise choices regarding sex. The booklet shown is handed out to the students at the "Freedom to Succeed" presentations as a companion to the actual presentation - to remind them of what they've seen - a piece of the presentation they can take with them and refer back to. The imagery and text is very wild, wacky and kid-friendly.

Aim For Success "Achieve Success" Student Booklet

Urban Land Institute

Urban Land Institute is a non-profit organization that provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. This mailer brochure is the first of 5 pieces I designed to increase their membership. This is a project a business partner and I have done for the past 5 years and we have increased membership by over 1,000 with these incentive promotions every year.

Urban Land Institute Continued

These pieces were PDF's that were sent every quarter during the year to remind readers to continue to sign up new members to ULI in order to win the trips. These followed the initial mailing of the brochure (shown in the previous posting).


RealPage provides online solutions to managing multi-family housing. The challenge with RealPage is how to communicate simply and effectively, all of the different product lines they offer apartment owners and managers to help them manage their properties more profitably. Each product is represented by a "product wheel" that appears on each product's brochure that tells the readers what the product does. There are 5 different products to choose from. Users can mix and match or use all at once to fit their properties' needs. The design and copy branded each brochure as part of an overall family of RealPage products so the reader would know that all of the 5 products work separately, but to get the maximum benefit, the user would need to subscribe to the whole package. I used this branding "look" on all items which includes trade show displays and advertising - to create consistency and make the pieces readily identified with RealPage to their target market.

Buckner Today

These images are the cover and miscellaneous spreads from the latest issue of Buckner Today, the quarterly magazine telling the story of Buckner's impact on the people they serve.

The Crossing Baptist Church Brochure

I came up with the concept, design and developed the copy for this church's message to the community it resides in - which is suburban America that mixes ethnic groups, business professionals, working class and stay-at-home parents. The one thing that these groups have in common is busyness. We're all busy with life and need a place of refuge. The message of the brochure - as well as all other pieces promoting the church to the community - is that The Crossing is that place of refuge.